Aerial photography and videography, surveying, search and rescue, and delivery services are just a few of the many uses for drones in Nepal. The use of drones in the country has significantly increased in recent years, particularly in the tourism industry. A drone permit in Nepal is necessary to operate drones in the sky.

The Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal (CAAN), on the other hand, has authority over drone use in Nepal. In Nepal, one must get permission from the CAAN and follow the rules set by the authority before flying a drone.

Despite the rules, more people are using drones in Nepal because the country has a lot of scenic beauty and cultural history, making it a great place to take photos and videos with drones.

Contact the CAAN: The first step is to get in touch with Nepal’s Civil Aviation Authority and ask for information about how to get a drone permit.

Submit the necessary documents: A flight plan, proof of insurance, and a Nepal Police no-objection certificate are among the documents you will need to submit. The purpose of the flight, the locations and altitude of the flight, and any other pertinent information should all be included in the flight plan.

Pay a cost: In order to obtain a drone permit in Nepal, you will need to pay a fee to CAAN.

The permit’s validity: The permit can be renewed if necessary and typically lasts for a specific amount of time, typically a few months.

It is essential to keep in mind that drone regulations in Nepal can frequently change, so it is always a good idea to check with CAAN for the most recent requirements and information.

Is it legal to fly a drone in Nepal?

The Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal (CAAN) is in charge of regulating the legality of drone flight in Nepal. In Nepal, one must get permission from the CAAN and follow the rules set by the authority before operating a drone. This includes getting a permit, giving the flight plan details, and getting insurance.

Drones cannot also be flown in restricted areas, such as close to airports, military installations, and government buildings, according to the regulations. A certain altitude and distance from people, vehicles, and property are also requirements for drones.

To maintain the smooth operation of air traffic and ensure the safety of individuals and property, it is essential to adhere to these regulations. The inability to follow the guidelines can bring about fines or lawful punishments.

In Nepal, where can we fly drones?

The Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal (CAAN) oversees drone flight regulations in Nepal. Drones can be flown in approved areas that are not marked as restricted or prohibited, according to CAAN guidelines. Drone flights are permitted in the following popular locations in Nepal:

Region of Annapurna: Due to its scenic beauty and majestic mountain views, the Annapurna region is a popular location for drone photography and videography.

Region of Everest: Drone flights are also popular in the Everest region. It is truly breathtaking to take in the views of Mount Everest and the peaks in the area.

Pokhara: Pokhara is a popular destination for drone flights due to its stunning scenery. The city has stunning views of Phewa Lake and the Annapurna range.

Kathmandu: Additionally, drone flights are popular in Kathmandu, Nepal’s capital. The city’s unique combination of traditional and contemporary architecture makes it a fascinating location for drone photography.

Despite the fact that these areas are popular for drone flights, it is necessary to obtain permission from the CAAN and adhere to the authority’s guidelines. Additionally, drones must avoid restricted areas like airports, military facilities, and government buildings.

Is a drone license required for the DJI Mini 2?

The DJI Mini 2 and other drones are subject to the Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal (CAAN)’s regulations in Nepal. Anyone who wishes to fly a drone must first obtain permission from the CAAN in accordance with the regulations. This includes getting a permit and explaining the flight plan in detail.

Therefore, you will need a drone license from the CAAN in order to fly a DJI Mini 2 in Nepal. A flight plan, proof of insurance, and other relevant documents are typically required during the license application process.

Things to think about before bringing a drone into Nepal.

There are a few considerations to make before bringing a drone to Nepal:

Regulations: Before bringing a drone into Nepal, it is essential to familiarize yourself with the Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal (CAAN)’s regulations. You’ll need to get a permit and follow the rules set by the CAAN.

Insurance coverage: You must purchase drone insurance before flying your drone in Nepal. This insurance coverage will allow you to cover any losses or damages that may occur during the flight.

Travel strategy: Before flying a drone in Nepal, the CAAN requires a flight plan. This flight plan ought to contain information about the drone, its location, and its purpose.

Areas not permitted: Drone flights are prohibited in restricted or prohibited areas in Nepal. If you fly a drone in these areas, you could face legal action.

Altitude restrictions: The CAAN also prohibits drone flights in Nepal at certain altitudes. Follow these restrictions to keep air traffic running smoothly and to keep people and property safe.

Battery power: Consider how long your drone’s battery lasts before flying it in Nepal. The duration of the flight ought to encompass the desired flight plan.

Situational circumstances: Being prepared for the weather is essential in Nepal because it can change quickly. Before flying the drone, make sure it is safe to fly and check the weather.

By following these guidelines, you can ensure a safe and enjoyable drone experience in Nepal.

Drone Regulation In Nepal

Drone flight regulations in Nepal are established by the Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal (CAAN). The CAAN has established the following essential guidelines:

  • Permission is necessary: The CAAN must be contacted for permission before operating a drone in Nepal. This includes getting a permit and explaining the flight plan in detail.
  • Coverage by insurance: Before flying their drones, drone operators must obtain insurance coverage. Any losses or damages that may occur during the flight will be covered by this insurance coverage.
  • Areas prohibited: In restricted or prohibited areas, such as close to airports, military installations, and government buildings, drone flights are prohibited.
    Limits on altitude: Drone flights in Nepal are restricted by the CAAN at certain altitudes. In order to keep air traffic running smoothly and protect people and property, drone pilots must adhere to these restrictions.
  • Plan of travel: Before flying their drone, drone operators must submit a flight plan to the CAAN. The drone’s specifics, the flight’s location, and its purpose should all be included in the flight plan.
  • Safety necessities: The CAAN’s safety guidelines for drone pilots must be followed. This includes making certain that the drone is in good condition, that the operator is able to control it, and that they are familiar with the operating manual for the drone.
  • Liability: During their flight, drone pilots are responsible for any damages or losses. Damage to property, harm to individuals, and disruption of air traffic are all examples of this.
    To maintain the smooth operation of air traffic and ensure the safety of individuals and property, it is essential to adhere to these CAAN rules. There may be fines or other legal consequences for breaking these rules.

How to register a drone in Nepal?

The following steps should be taken to register a drone in Nepal:

  • Submit drone specifications and flight plans to the Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal (CAAN),
    Provide proof of insurance,
  • pay the necessary fees to receive a drone registration certificate from CAAN.
  • It is suggested that you check with CAAN to see if there have been any new regulations or updates.

The Rise of Drone Operations in Nepal

Drones, once considered futuristic gadgets, have taken the world by storm, revolutionizing various industries and applications. Nepal, a country nestled in the Himalayas, is no exception to this technological wave. In this article, we will delve into the world of drone operators in Nepal, explore the legal nuances of drone usage, and shed light on the intricacies of obtaining drone permits in the country.

Drones, also known as Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), have swiftly become an integral part of modern society. In Nepal, a nation renowned for its breathtaking landscapes, drones offer a new perspective on capturing scenic beauty, aiding in disaster management, and even delivering medical supplies to remote areas. However, with this innovation comes a series of legal considerations that both drone operators and enthusiasts must be well-versed in.

Drone Technology: A Game-Changer in Nepal

The utilization of drones in Nepal has transcended novelty and has become an indispensable tool across multiple sectors. From surveying difficult terrains for infrastructure projects to monitoring crop health in agriculture, drones have proven their mettle in enhancing efficiency and accuracy.

Is Drone Operation Legal in Nepal?

The legality of drone operations in Nepal is a question that echoes among enthusiasts. While the allure of capturing panoramic shots is enticing, it’s crucial to understand the legal framework that governs these activities.

Navigating Drone Laws in Nepal

Understanding the Regulatory Authorities

The Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal (CAAN) oversees drone operations in the country. They have formulated regulations that categorize drones based on their weight and purpose.

Drone Categories and Classification

Drones are classified into various categories, including recreational, commercial, and government use. Each category has its own set of guidelines and restrictions.

Operating Drones: Rules and Restrictions

Drone operators must adhere to altitude limits, no-fly zones, and flight time restrictions. These regulations are designed to ensure public safety and prevent interference with manned aircraft.

Privacy and Safety Concerns

With the increasing use of drones, concerns regarding privacy and safety have emerged. Striking a balance between technological advancements and safeguarding citizens’ rights remains a challenge.

Securing a Drone Permit in Nepal

Application Process: Step by Step

Obtaining a drone permit involves submitting an application to CAAN. The process includes providing details about the drone, its purpose, operator qualifications, and flight plans.

Permit Fees and Validity

Drone permits come with associated fees, and their validity varies based on the type of operation. It’s imperative to stay updated on the fee structure and renewal process.

The Growing Landscape of Drone Applications

The use of drones extends beyond conventional domains. In Nepal, drones are aiding in wildlife conservation, search and rescue missions, and monitoring environmental changes.

Challenges and Future Prospects

While the potential of drones in Nepal is immense, challenges such as regulatory complexity and public perception need to be addressed. As technology evolves, the future holds promise for more streamlined regulations and expanded drone applications.


Drones have ushered in a new era of possibilities in Nepal, transforming industries and opening avenues for innovation. Navigating the legal landscape and obtaining permits are essential steps for responsible drone operation, ensuring harmony between technological progress and legal adherence.


Are there any no-fly zones in Nepal for drones?

Yes, certain areas such as airports, government buildings, and restricted zones are designated as no-fly areas to ensure aviation safety and security.

Can tourists apply for drone permits in Nepal?

Absolutely, Tourists interested in operating drones in Nepal can apply for permits by following the designated application process.

What are the penalties for violating drone regulations?

Violating drone regulations can lead to fines, confiscation of equipment, and legal consequences depending on the severity of the violation.

How is data privacy addressed in drone operations?

Drone operators are required to adhere to data protection and privacy laws while capturing and processing data during their operations.

What role do drones play in Nepal’s disaster management?

Drones play a pivotal role in disaster management by providing real-time aerial insights to aid in search and rescue missions and damage assessment.


I have some wonderful news to share with you all! Our recent yoga tour in Nepal was a great success. Many of you have shown interest, so we’ve organized another fantastic program just for you. We’re thrilled to welcome everyone to grab this amazing opportunity.

This July, get ready for a special Buddhist tour in Nepal. We’ll be exploring sacred places like Lumbini, where Lord Buddha was born. If you’re excited about joining us on this spiritually enriching journey, we’d be delighted to have you with us.

Mark your calendars for the first week of every month we’re already planning a regular tour.  Based on your enthusiastic requests, we’re excited to announce upcoming yoga and retreat trips in Nepal.

I warmly invite each one of you to come along on these transformative adventures in Nepal.

Warm regards,

Tour Operator

Robinson Crusoe Holidays Thamel, Kathmandu

Email: [email protected]

WhatsApp/Viber: +9779841390387